The Pros and Cons of Sedation Dentistry

People have a lot of common fears like height, public speaking, death, spiders and even going to the dentist. The reason why some are afraid and do not want to go to a dental clinic regularly. Nevertheless, visiting your dentist regularly is one of the important things to do to make your teeth strong and healthy. Skipping your dental checkups due to your fear and anxiety can cause major oral health complications and other health problems. 

But worry not because we got your back! Dental clinics are now offering solutions to your problem. Thanks to Sedation dentistry, there are now solutions for those people with dental fears.  

We are sure that, you are here because you are hesitating to visit your dentist and so you would like to find some answers to your questions. That’s why we are here to answer your questions regarding the pros and cons of sedation dentistry. 

Also, this article will make you understand this kind of dentistry even more.


What is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is a method where a dentist uses medication procedures to help patients reduce anxiety during dental procedures. There are two methods of sedation, these are inhaled sedation and oral sedation. 

Inhaled sedation or also called a laughing gas method uses nitrous oxide to help patients relax. It calms the patient’s nerves and reduces pain. When this is being done, the patients are awake and they are given a mask where they can inhale the gas. 

Whereas, oral sedation, from the word itself, the administration of sedative drugs are taken via the oral route. This sedative drug is given to you before the procedure which you can bring and take in at home.

It is sometimes called sleep dentistry, however, this is inaccurate as the patients are all wide awake when taking the sedative drugs. 


Sedation Dentistry: Benefits that you can Get

Sedation dentistry has a lot of benefits to the patients as they are put into a more cooperative state. At the same time, they are forgetting about their dental fear. Here are some of the benefits that you can get. 

The treatment should help you feel calm and relaxed while in the dental chair

  • Sedation helps in reducing pain, so if you have a fear of pain, you will not feel it during dental procedures.
  • The dental procedures will be carried out shortly as the patient is relaxed. 
  • If you have a panic attack or anxiety, sedative drugs also helps in reducing the effects during dental treatment.
  • If the procedure takes a long process, then sedatives may also help you feel more comfortable throughout the session.

Sedation Dentistry: Some Risks that you might Face

Every kind of medication has risks involved and they sometimes vary. So, it is important to inform your dentist ahead of time about your health history. You can also mention if you have allergies or other concerns with the used of sedatives. Is it your first time to undergo sedation? Do you experience other effects when you are under anesthesia? For your safety, you should inform your dentist about all of your concerns. 

If you are just new to sedation, here are some of the possible risks that you can get.

Side effects of sedative drugs. Both inhaled and oral sedation may have side effects on you. However, these side effects differ from person to person. Also, these sedatives give you different unexpected effects, depending on what’s tolerance level is used. So, it is very crucial for the dentist to determine what level or amount of sedative is right to his/her patients.

Contradiction with other medications. If you are taking other medicines, you might as well inform your dentist. It is recommended to include your medications intake together with your health record to avoid health complications. Patients who are taking other medications may experience other side effects of sedatives. 

Other health conditions. If you are pregnant, have lung problems or have a heart condition, sedatives may not be the best option for you. Always make sure to inform your dentist about your health record so they can decide if sedation is good for you.

Common side effects. Although side effects differ from person to person, there are still some common sedative side effects. These involve nausea, dizziness, possible allergy reactions and fatigue.


Final Thoughts

In Thornhill Dental Office in Canada, we offer sedation dentistry that can help you take away your dental fear. We are using some medication to keep our patients relax while the procedure is on-going. Whether it is a simple tooth cleaning or a major dental surgery, we do dental sedation. It doesn’t matter how minor or major your procedure is, we can help you fight that fear and anxiety. You may not feel any pain or discomfort so no need to be afraid to your dentist.

You can contact us today or you can visit our website for further details about sedation dentistry.

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