Wisdom teeth do not always grow properly aligned with the rest of your flat teeth at the back of the mouth (molars). In fact, having well-aligned wisdom teeth is very rare. Most of the time, they do not grow properly through the gum line due to misalignment, lack of space, and the proximity of adjacent teeth. 

If your wisdom teeth are severely misaligned, your dentist may recommend a wisdom teeth removal procedure. Not to worry, wisdom teeth removal is a simple, inexpensive procedure that offers huge benefits for your oral health. In this article, we will discuss how the removal of wisdom teeth works, how much the procedure costs, and what to expect during the recovery phase.

When Should You Have Your Wisdom Teeth Removed?

Below are the common signs that you need to undergo wisdom teeth removal:

  • You have tooth decay (dental cavities, dental caries, a hole in your tooth).
  • You are suffering from an infection on your wisdom tooth. Especially if you have cellulitis or have recurrent pericoronitis.
  • Your wisdom tooth has an existing cyst.
  • You can’t keep your wisdom teeth clean.

Things to Consider Before Getting Wisdom Teeth Removal 

Apart from the cost of wisdom teeth removal, there are other important factors that you should know. This way, you can go into the procedure fully prepared for what is to come.

Wisdom teeth aftermath

Know that the process of removing a wisdom tooth can be slightly painful. Sometimes, side effects may include the following: bruising, swelling, malaise, and sometimes limited jaw opening or trismus.

Wisdom teeth recovery phase

Since you are still in pain, you need to rest to recover fully, so you might miss days at school or work.

Wisdom teeth complications

Here at Thornhill Dental, our specialists use their experience and skill to reduce the possibility of complications.

However, in rare cases, there may be some complications during the procedure. These are some of the less likely but possible wisdom teeth complications: 

  • Numbness of wisdom teeth including the lips, tongue and cheek
  • Damage to teeth, gum, bone, jaw joints
  • sinus exposure and infection

How Much Does Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost?

Typically, the cost of wisdom tooth removal ranges from $160 to $500, depending on how severely or minorly impacted your wisdom tooth is. However, the overall cost of your wisdom teeth surgery depends on these three factors:

  • The number of wisdom teeth that need to be removed
  • The wisdom teeth position in the jaw since it determines the extent of surgery required to pull out the impacted wisdom teeth.
  • The types of sedation that will be used during the procedure. Do you prefer remaining awake, sedated or asleep? There is an additional charge for sedation and sleep dentistry. The higher the level of sedation, the higher the cost will be.

More commonly, the average overall cost of wisdom teeth surgery is about $1,800. A surgery involves the removal of up to 4 wisdom teeth while under sedation.

Finally, the cost of wisdom teeth removal depends on whether or not your wisdom teeth are severely impacted. The level of impact affects the price of wisdom tooth removal. Aside from that, the cost may also vary depending on the alignment of your wisdom teeth. Luckily, Thornhill Dental offers affordable payment options, so you can message us to schedule an appointment.

How Does Wisdom Tooth Removal Work?

If it is your first time getting your wisdom teeth pulled out, we are sure that you are curious about how it works. Below, we discuss the entire procedure of wisdom tooth extraction.

Application of Anesthesia

Before pulling out your wisdom teeth, you will receive an injection of either a local or general anesthetic to numb the tooth and surrounding area. 

However, a general anesthetic is rarely needed for wisdom tooth extraction. It’s only used when the procedure is carried out in the hospital.

If you’re anxious about the procedure, your dentist may give you a sedative to help you calm down and relax. It is usually injected into the arm.

The Procedure

If the wisdom tooth did not come through the gum, a small cut has to be made in the gum to access it. Usually, a small piece of the bone covering the tooth may also be pulled out.

The tooth is also cut into smaller parts, so it is easier to remove through the opening. An incision is less likely to be done if the tooth has broken through the gum.

You will feel some pressure just before the tooth is removed. This is because the dentist needs to widen the tooth socket before taking it out.

During the procedure, you shouldn’t feel any pain because the area will be numb due to anesthetic. If you feel any pain during the process, tell your dentist so they can give you more anesthetic. Simple procedures can take a few minutes, while complicated procedures can take longer than 20 minutes.

The Recovery and After-Care Process of Wisdom Teeth Removal

If your wisdom tooth undergoes an incision, your dentists will use stitches to seal the gum. Usually, the stitches take up to 7 to 10 days to dissolve. Your dentist may also place gauze over the place of the extraction and ask you to keep the pressure on it by biting your jaws together for up to an hour. In some cases, your dentist may prescribe antibiotics to counter an ongoing infection.

After removing your wisdom tooth, you should avoid the following for the next 24 hours:

  • Rinsing your mouth with liquid
  • Drinking alcohol, beverages or smoking
  • Drinking hot liquids 
  • Tough physical activity


When wisdom teeth start to emerge or are severely impacted, they can damage the gum and other teeth. Consequently, this can lead to several dental problems such as pain, swelling, infections, damage to surrounding teeth, etc. It is the main reason why most dentists recommend the removal of wisdom teeth, particularly in early adulthood.

If you wish to consult a dentist regarding your wisdom teeth removal, visit Thornhill Dental. Our experienced dental professionals can make the process easier and more effective. You may also call us via 905-771-8100 to book an appointment today.

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