Do I Need To Remove My Wisdom Teeth

Do I Need To Remove My Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are the third molars in the back of our mouths. Mostly, they don’t always need to be removed. However, there are some restrictions to this rule. The real question here is, when do I need to remove my wisdom teeth? Do I need to get it to pull at an early age? Or do I need to remove it at a later time? 

The fact is if wisdom teeth are healthy, grown in completely, and aligned correctly, you may not need to remove them. However, you must immediately undergo wisdom teeth removal in North York if they don’t have room to grow appropriately and only cause problems.

What are Wisdom Teeth?

Do I Need To Remove My Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth typically appear between the ages of 17 and 21. If you want to have an initial evaluation of your wisdom teeth, your recommended age is 16 to 19. The main reason is as you get older, the bones in your mouth become harder, making them hard to remove. Besides, some dentists recommend removing your wisdom teeth to prevent oral problems later on. Although you are not experiencing any common wisdom tooth problems, you’re still subject to wisdom tooth removal.

Do I Need to Remove My Wisdom Teeth?

While some people remove their wisdom teeth, others live with these teeth for their entire lives. The main reason is if wisdom teeth are removed, there is a chance of the teeth shifting. So, “do I need to remove my wisdom teeth?” To answer that, if they are not causing you any problems, you should not worry about removing them. However, it is still advisable to consult a dentist whether or not to remove your wisdom teeth.

When you remove your wisdom teeth, you have two options to choose from. You may have them removed two at a time (the top teeth or the bottom teeth). If you don’t want to have a second appointment, you can remove all of them simultaneously.

Do I Need To Remove My Wisdom Teeth

Common Reasons Why You Need to Remove Your Wisdom Tooth

The second question you may have in your mind is, “why do I need to remove my wisdom teeth?” Here are some of the common reasons why you need wisdom tooth extraction t: 

  • Damages neighbouring teeth. If your extra set of molars push your other teeth around, it can cause damage to it.
  • Jaw and Nerve Damage. A cyst may form around your new wisdom teeth. If they aren’t removed, they can hollow out your jaw and damage your nerves.
  • Improper Growth. In some cases, when your extra molars consume too much space in your mouth, it is better to remove them as they can cause problems later on.
  • Difficulty Eating/Biting. If you experience pain while chewing your food, this may be one of the signs you need to remove your wisdom teeth. For instance, food leftovers may be getting stuck in between your gums and your top teeth.
  • Swelling Gums. If you observe that the tissue around the area of your molars is swelling, it’s time to remove it. 
  • Alignment. If you have impacted wisdom teeth, it’s better to pull them out to avoid problems like teeth crowding. When you remove your wisdom teeth, you can prevent having to pay professional teeth alignment treatment. 

So do I need to remove my wisdom teeth? Whether you experience some signs mentioned above or not, it is still advisable to consult your dentist. They can professionally examine the shape of your mouth and the position of your wisdom teeth to make a decision.

Do I Need To Remove My Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom Teeth Extraction Homecare

Wisdom teeth removal is a simple dental surgical procedure. But, you also have to follow the post-operative care tips to help it heal carefully. Doing this will minimize unnecessary pain and swelling. You can also avoid infection after your wisdom teeth extraction.

After the procedure, your dentists will recommend that you:

  • Restrict your physical activities.
  • Avoid touching the wound area.
  • Avoid rinsing your mouth.
  • Apply a cold compress to your cheeks.
  • Remove the gauze surgical pad 30 minutes after the surgery.
  • Take the prescribed pain medications when you begin to feel some discomfort.

Whatever the condition of your teeth, regularly visiting your dentist can prevent complications occurrences later on. Make sure you follow the directions of your dentist. Additionally, be sure m you maintain a healthy dental habit and a healthy diet. This is the best way to ensure great oral health.

Do I Need To Remove My Wisdom Teeth

Final Thoughts

When do I need to remove my wisdom teeth? To sum it up, some dentists recommend removing your wisdom teeth if they do not fully emerge. Also, many dentists believe it’s better to remove your wisdom teeth at a younger age before the roots and bone are fully formed. 

Besides, it’s better to remove it at an early age when recovery is generally faster after surgery. If you want to get wisdom teeth removal in north york, you can contact Thornhill Dental. Call us at 905-771-8100 to book your appointment today!

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